St. Barnabas Indian Orthodox Mission
Washington, D.C.
Orthodoxy in Every Heart
Join us in worship, study and service
The paralytic suffered in pain and sickness
He was alone, rejected by his family
But the Lord came to him in His great compassion
Whether emperor or plebeian, friendships are keys to a person's success. During this lenten period, let us examine ourselves. Are we true friends to those with whom we share our lives, or are we always thinking only of ourselves? And more importantly, like the paralytic's friends, are we taking our friends to Christ?
For more, click here.
Dear Friend,
Welcome again and thank you for stopping by. How about a brief introduction so you get to know a little something about us?
What is Orthodoxy? You may wonder. There are volumes written on it, but nothing comes close to experiencing it in person. We invite you to join us on our spiritual journey of theosis: experience the true faith, learn about it and put it into practice. Check the Activity Calendar for dates and times of upcoming events.
We hope to see you soon.
All glory and honor be to the One Triune God,
The Mission's Team
p.s. For more on us, see the About Us page